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First Ever Toy Box Tonies Swap

First Ever Toy Box Tonies Swap

First ever Toy Box Tonies Swap!

Free Tonies for the first 20 people to register! Please only one registration per household.

We will also have:

* A Tonies Rep will be on site.
* Special Tonies Sales
* Raffles
* Demos

We have started a list for next Saturday!

Event will start at 11:00. Bring a list of the Tonies you have to swap and a list of Tonies you are looking for.

We will have giveaways, raffles, special sale Tonies and more!

Should be a fun event. See you Saturday! Tell everyone you know!

The better the attendance the more the free stuff Tonies will give us for the next one!

It’s time to let go of your worries and immerse yourself in a world of playtime fun! Hope to see you here!

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